Daniel Joseph Wood currently resides in Seattle, WA. Consistently working to create unique pieces that tend to focus on introspection through the outward examination of others and society as a whole. His works include Self-Portraits a hand-bound letter-pressed photo book featuring 4x5 cyanotype contact prints on fabric paired with short stories and Untitled Dreams I, II and III which are a trio of 35 foot-long prints each featuring an entire strip of negatives worth of images slowly transforming from one image to the next. His ongoing project The Streets is merely a collection of photographs which document the surroundings in which he immerses himself in.
His most recently completed book Sea Breeze was first available self-published in hardcover format and is now available with a new design in softcover. In 2021 he released the collaborative zine Earthshadow with Bryce Bartl-Geller and Gabrielle Astrid - asking about our existence in the face of an uncertain future. In 2020 he participated in a multi-artist zine called Known//Unknown which takes on the theme of knowledge and how we choose to either listen or willfully ignore. And in 2017 he participated in an artist residency with the group Collaborate|Create which culminated in the group show “Who Am I” featuring artists of all media.